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Puzant Torigian

Founder and Chairman

Bravo Smokes, Inc.

United States

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Professional Summary

Born in Constantinople, Turkey, in 1922; Immigrated to France in 1923 to US in 1929 through Ellis Island. Graduated P.S. 76; Bayside HS- 1940k Honors, Volunteer USNR 1942-46, Pacific Theater, as Ph M1/c-Hon Disc. 1946; attach Marine Corps 6th marine Div. 1 year. Returned to work only 3 hours after separation from U.S. Navy. Graduated; Columbia Univ. College of Pharmacy 1949, NT State Reg. Pharm. 1949. Regent; Kappa Psi Pharm Frat. Parenteral Drug Assoc., Charter Member of Int. Soc. Pharm. Eng. Am. Pharm. Assoc.; Am Soc. Comp. Pharm; Board Member and Pres; Armenian Med Fund-USA; Member Armenian Apostolic Church, Advisory Board, Arm. Drug Adm. and Armenian NIH Board. Pres. Fort Lee, Rep. Club Founder: the Fort Lee Patriot. Married; Joanne, Children, John, Michael, Christine. Resides: Fort Lee, NJ since 1970. Holds 4 US Patents Holds NDA for preservative-free Heaprin Inj. from FDA for an intrathecal injection, also several ANDA's on Injectable Medications. Professional Accomplishments: Always an innovator: Developer of DROPSPRIN-Pediatric Drops- Analgesic/Antipyretic, Helped in development of Breathalyzer Test for blood and urine Alcohol levels. Holds 4 US and foreign patents and trademarks. One now used in tobacco curing. Researched, developed and founded BRAVO Smokes, Corp. as being "The answer to the global smoking problem." Pres of several companies in developmental stages; Pres. Crossley Pharmaceuticals; M.R. Thompson, Ethical Drug Mfg; Sterling Drugs Int'l. VP and Proj Engineer for Construction of largest Pharmaceutical Plant in S.E. Asia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Was V.P. & Far Eastern Production Consultant for Sterling Drugs Int'l. Was founder and V.P. tech affairs. Of Pharmakon-USA Assumed control of family TORIGIAN Labs, Increased sales six fold and sold co. to retire in 1984. Engaged to Start Investigational Drug Dispensing Section of Bronx VA Med Center. Recently pursued second career as Clinical Nutrition Pharmacist and established Tor-Labs for Web-base nutritional consulting to help maximize physician's therapy replacing needed nutritional supplements to optimize physician's therapeutic outcomes. Mottos: 1. "Let your mind control body" 2. "Nothing great was ever accomplished without enthusiasm." 3. Expect a miracle."



Non-Nicotine Smokes, Tobacco Free Safer Smokes